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 Autorities of Humanitas Univeristy





Mariusz Lekston, PhD


Chancellor and Founder of HU
Aleksander Dudek, MSc


Agata Dudek, MSc, MBA

Vice-Rector for Research
Maciej Borski, PhD, Prof. HU

Vice-Rector for Education
Magdalena Gurdek, PhD, Prof. AH

Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation
Piotr Oleśniewicz, PhD, Prof. AH


Rector of Humanitas University in Sosnowiec from 1998-2014 Honorary Rector of the University from 2014-2019
Jerzy Kopel, PhD, Prof. WSH


Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Maciej Borski, PhD, Prof. AH

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology

Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Marta Adamczyk, MSc

Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences

Ewa Kraus, MSc 

Vice-Dean for Research Evaluation
Małgorzata Caban, PhD


 Vice-Dean for Educational Quality
Bożena Wroniszewska-Drabek, PhD

Vice-Dean for International Cooperation
Maja Chyży-Dudek, MSc


Vice-Dean for Teaching
Jolanta Łozińska-Dudek, MSc

Authorities of the AH Branch in Vsetín, Czech Republic

PaedDr. Karel Kostka, MBA, Ph.D.

Ewa Kraus, MSc

doc. PhDr. Vlasta Karásková, CSc.


Authorities of the AH Branch in Prague, Czech Republic


MVDr. Alicja Konieczna


Directors of Institutes

Institute of Computer Science Director
Tadeusz Topór-Kamiński, PhD, Eng.

Institute of Psychology Director
Jarosław Szczygieł, PhD in Medical Sciences

Institute of Security Sciences
Tomasz Miłkowski, PhD

Institute of Health Sciences Director
Danuta Kokocińska, PhD, Prof.

Institute of Legal Sciences Director
Aleksander Kwaśniak, PhD

Institute of Management and Quality Sciences Director
Teresa Kupczyk, PhD, Eng., Prof. AH


Institute of Pedagogy Director
Bożena Marzec, PhD, Prof. AH


Chancellor's Delegates

Chancellor's Delegate for HU International Branches
Piotr Oleśniewicz, PhD, Prof. AH

Rector Delegate for Student Affairs
Małgorzata Makieła, MSc

Directors of University-wide Units

Director of the Centre for Scientific Advancement
Magdalena Gurdek, PhD, Prof. AH

Director of the Library and Publishing House
Małgorzata Caban, PhD

Director of the Projects Office
Izabela Rusin, MSc, MBA

Director of the Development Office
Ewa Kraus, MSc

Director of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor's Office
Małgorzata Makieła, MSc