ENGLISH INSIGHTS – an annual academic journal published since 2017 by Institute of Philology of Humanitas University in Sosnowiec.
The journal publishes high-quality articles in English covering both theoretical and applied linguistics. Of particular interest are articles presenting original theory-based research in contemporary synchronic and diachronic linguistics including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, language contact, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics.
Qualification of the Articles for Printing
- All submissions are first reviewed by the editorial board for compliance with the profile of the journal. At this stage the authors are informed whether their text is accepted or rejected for further reviewing process.
- A manuscript is subjected to double-blind review by external reviewers appointed by editorial staff.
- Independent reviewers who are recognized researchers and experts in a given field are selected in accordance with the principle of avoiding the conflict of interest (where the conflict of interest is defined as a direct personal relationship between a reviewer and an author, as well as a professional subservience relation and direct scientific cooperation in the past two years preceding the preparation of the review).
- The review is prepared in the written form and must include a clear recommendation for publication or rejection. If a negative review is received, the submission is rejected.
- By making a formal evaluation, the reviewers examine in particular whether: the title is consistent with the content of the article, the abstract adequately describes the content of the article, the keywords are appropriately selected, the volume of the article is appropriate, the text is intelligible and written in the correct language, i.e. grammatically correct form, correct terminology, etc. Moreover, the reviewers see whether the text is consistent and logical, the quality of graphic and illustrations is correct (if used), and the content of links and bibliography is adequate to the content of the article.
- Evaluating the content, the reviewers check whether a paper presents a new perspective to existing knowledge, the author correctly formulates research questions, the research methodology is sound, the research problem is developed appropriately, conclusions are valuable for the field, an article meets the criteria of academic work, is original and contains contemporary knowledge on the subject.
- Once received, the reviews are forwarded to the authors who are required to take a stance on the reviewers' comments. If necessary the authors’ response is forwarded to the evaluator.
- The names of reviewers of individual articles are not disclosed. Once a year, the editors publish the list of reviewers cooperating with the journal.
- The final decision on accepting or rejecting the text is made by the editors-in-chief on the basis of delivered reviews. The editors-in-chief may reject the text in a situation when one of the reviews is negative.
Articles and issues
Volume 1/2017
IWONA DRONIA, BEATA GARCZYŃSKA: Teaching pragmatic competence. The contrastive analysis of discourse completion tests findings on the usage of compliments and compliment responses among Polish learners of various proficiency levels and American native speakers - download >>>
TERESA MARIA WŁOSOWICZ: Grammatical and lexical error recognition in L3: Some insights into multilingual proficiency - download >>>
BEATA GRYMSKA: The influence of L2 English on learning of L3 German structures – different examples of cross-linguistic influence - download >>>
DOROTA LIPIŃSKA: The influence of L2 status on L3 pronunciation - download >>>
SYLWIA GIERSZAL–SŁAWIK: To know you know or not to know: a comparative analysis of a commonly occurring discourse marker from the perspective of Polish, English and Russian - download >>>
Editorial Team
dr hab. Artur Kijak and dr Paweł Zakrajewski - editors-in-chief
dr Iwona Dronia - assistant to the editor
dr Małgorzata Marzec-Stawiarska - language editor
Correspondence address:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
ul. Kilińskiego 43
41-200 Sosnowiec
tel. +48 32 363-12-00
e-mail: artur.kijak@gmail.com
Oficyna Wydaniwcza "Humanitas"
ul. Kiińskiego 43
41-200 Sosnowiec
tel. +48 32 363-12-19
e-mail: dystrybucja@humanitas.edu.pl
Editorial Guidelines for Contributors
Please note that each manuscript for publication in English Insights must contain:
- a short abstract,
- 5-7 key words.
The paper should be in a Times New Roman font at 12-point throughout, including name, affiliation, title, references, text, examples, and diagrams. The only exceptions to this are the abstract and the footnotes, which should be 10pt.
Paper Size and Margins
The paper size should be set to A4 (21cm x 29,7cm). All margins (left, right, top and bottom) must be set to 2,5 cm.
The name of the author must be the first line of your paper, aligned to the left, in 12pt and capitalized. On the next line write the name of your institution or affiliation. For works written by more than one person, list the authors alphabetically, each name followed by the author’s affiliation. These two lines (author & affiliation) must be adjusted to the left. After the affiliation, leave two blank lines then write the title. It should be capitalized and aligned to the center. Skip one line then write the abstract in 10pt. Leave two blank lines before the start of your text.
Use section numbers for headings: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 and section titles. Section numbers should start with 1 (not 0). The introduction should have a number and title. The section numbers and titles should be in 12pt Bold typeface, adjusted to the left margin. Leave a single blank space between the section number/title and the previous (and following) paragraph.
The subsection numbers and titles should be in 12pt Italics, adjusted to the left margin. Leave a single blank space between the previous paragraph and the subsection number/title but no blank line between the subsection number/title and the following paragraph.
The first paragraph under a (sub)section should begin flush with the left margin.
Page Numbers
Do not use page numbers for now. Those will be added during the final stage of copy editing.
Text, footnotes, and references should be 1,5 spaced and fully justified. Each paragraph, except for the first paragraph following the title or a section heading, should be indented. First lines after headings should not be indented at all. Do not skip a line between paragraphs.
Words from examples referred to in the text should be in italics and English language glosses should be in ‘single quotes’. Use italics for
a) A letter, word, phrase, or sentence cited as a linguistic example or subject of discussion.
b) Titles of books and journals in the reference list.
In numbering examples in the text, use Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses. The number should be inserted flush to the left margin.
Linguistic Representations
Number trees, functional structures, metrical grids, and so forth, in sequence with other examples. Tableaux should be numbered Tableau 1, Tableau 2, and so on, like tables.
Use footnotes, not endnotes. Number footnotes sequentially throughout the manuscript. Do not indent the first line of a footnote.
If a note listing acknowledgments, citations of grants, and similar material is appropriate, type it as the first footnote, leaving it unnumbered, rather use an asterisk as a reference at the end of your title, as well as at the beginning of the footnote.
Avoid footnotes that give only crossreferences (‘‘See sections 4 and 7’’) or short bibliographic references (‘‘See Chomsky 1965’’). Incorporate such material into the text.
Reference List
Leave one blank line after the last line of your text, then type in 12pt Bold type face, in the centre References, using Hanging indent set at 1 cm so that the second and each consecutive line of the same reference will start at 1 cm from the left margin. Leave another blank line and start the list of references. The references should be listed alphabetically with the earliest work by the same author cited first. Give as full references as possible, including volume/issue numbers, page numbers, publisher and place of publication.
Chomsky, N. 1995. The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.
Chomsky, N. 2000. Minimalist Inquiries. In R. Martin, D. Michaels and J. Uriagereka (eds.) Step by Step: Essays on Minimalist Syntax in Honor of Howard Lasnik, 89-155.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
For all other references, please follow the Linguistic Inquiry style illustrated below (please pay close attention to the font styles below as well):
Last name, initials. 19xx. Article title. Journal Title xx: ppp-ppp.
Last name, initials. 19xx. Article title. In editor’s initials. Last name(ed.) Book Title, ppp-ppp. City: Publisher.
Last name, initials, and initials. Last name. 19xx. Paper title. In Proceedings of the Northeast Linguistic Society 19, pp-pp. GLSA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Last name, initials. 19xx. Dissertation title. Doctoral dissertation, Institution.
Last name, initials. 19xx. Book title. City: Publisher.
Last name, initials. 19xx. Talk title. Paper presented at Conference/Workshop name, Institution, Month Date.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about the submission process.
Editorial Board
prof. dr hab. Maria Wysocka (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr hab. Piotr Mamet (Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie)
dr hab. Ireneusz Kida (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr hab. Arkadiusz Rojczyk (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr hab. Grzegorz Drożdż (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr Dagmara Gałajda (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr Agnieszka Solska (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
dr Teresa Maria Włosowicz (Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie)
Advisory Board
prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Cyran (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II)
prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Kleparski (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
prof. dr hab. Dariusz Rott (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
prof. Hans Sauer (University of Munich)
prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Sławek (Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach)
prof. dr Libor Pavera (University of Economics in Prague)
dr hab. Dorota Chłopek (Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej)
dr hab. Robert Kiełtyka (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)
dr Patrick Honeybone (The University of Edinburgh)
dr Zdena Kráľová (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra)